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1.       Every aspect of homework will be completed and turned in on time or students will abstain from                             participating in recess and lunch in order to catch up on homework expectations.


2.      Students will show up each day with all materials such as workbooks, notebooks, textbooks, and                           supplies. Consequences will apply if students are unprepared.


3.      Students will come to school everyday with 5 sharp pencils; no pencil sharpening is allowed in the                          classroom.  Also, mechanical pencils are not allowed to be used in the classroom.





1.       Students will respect teachers, classmates, class materials and themselves at all times.


2.      Students will be in proper uniform attire at all times.


3.      Students will arrive on time to class and will go through the proper procedure if arriving late. (Please                    obtain a tardy slip from the office).


4.      Students will follow all individual classroom rules in addition to those already listed. 

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