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  1. Multiplication facts must be memorized through 12 times table.  Students must get 100% accuracy when timed for 3 minutes.

  2. Students must have fraction-decimal-percent equivalents memorized for half, thirds, fourths, and fifths.

  3. Students need to know addition facts to automaticity.  They should understand what numbers come together to make ten in order to chunk addition together and make easier.  Students must be able to get 100% accuracy in two minutes.

  4. Students need to know subtraction facts to automaticity.  They should understand how to borrow.  Students must be able to get 100% accuracy in two minutes.

  5. Students should be able to read an analog clock.  They should also be able to solve elapsed time story problems.



  1. Students should have a reading fluency rate of 126 words per minute by Winter Break.

  2. EVERY sentence students write should be a complete sentence with a subject and predicate.

  3. Every writing assignment, unless otherwise noted, should be five paragraphs with an introduction and conclusion. Paragraphs should flow together with transitions.

  4. Students should be able to identify the main idea and details of any piece of text.

  5. Students should be able to identify within a piece of text the eight parts of speech.


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